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Canadian Firearms Safety Course (Non-Restricted) Handbook in Canada


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SKU: NEWCFSC Category:

Canadian Firearms Safety Course Modules: Student Handbook, 5th edition
Also available in French under the title, Cours canadien dans le maniement des armes
à feu, manuel de l’étudiant.
(Également disponible en français sous le titre, Cours canadien dans le maniement des
armes à feu, manuel de l’étudiant, 5e édition.)
ISBN 978-0-660-19947-4
Catalogue no.: PS99-2/ 1-1-2014E
1. Firearms–Canada–Safety measures.
2. Firearms ownership–Canada.
3. Firearms–Safety measures.
4. Gun control–Canada.
I. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) / Canadian Firearms Program (CFP)
TS532.2.C36 2010 363.330971
© (2014) HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA as represented by the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
The RCMP/CFP will allow reproduction in whole or in part, with appropriate credit,
provided no changes have been made to the content and it is intended for non-profit
use. A formal request for permission must be sent to the RCMP/CFP.

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 28 × 22 × 3 cm
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